

We love to share.

We’ve been working as language process analysts for 20 years now and were able to pick-up some knowledge along the way. We love to pass this on to you! This is why we publish articles in journals and anthologies, give interviews and explain facts in podcasts and webcasts. On this page you find an overview of current and past publications. Have fun browsing!

And if you want to know more about what is happening right now at blc and the world of langtech, check out our blog!

Machine Translation podcast interview

Christian Eisold, published in: Der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer Podcast | Interviews, Wissenswertes, Aufklärung, News, Weiterbildung, August 2020

In this interview by GFT from the series of interpreters and translators in business and industry , Christian Eisold was asked about machine translation. The interview focuses on a number of topics:

  • What kind of “homework” do companies have to complete before they can successfully set-up a machine translation environment? E.g.: Translation-oriented writing, terminology work?
  • To what extent can (and must) data security be preserved within machine translation?
  • Which translation methods are available for machine translation?
  • How can neural machine translation be improved?
  • How can a machine translation engine be fed with proprietary data?
  • Which languages and language directions provide best results in machine translation?
  • Which translation subjects provide best results, e.g. technology, marketing, medicine, etc.?
  • What is the best way to check machine translation?
  • Is a machine translation engine able to “learn” corrections from post-editors?

Expert opinion on neural machine translation

Christian Eisold, published in: “Tief im Wörtsee” by Nikola Noske, Süddeutsche Zeitung Nr. 301, Silvester/New Year 2019/20

“Most translation programs are currently based on so-called neural networks […]. The artificial neurons of such networks are arranged in layers and are linked to each other, similar to neurons in a human brain. The artificial brain learns connections independently from the data it is fed with  […]”.
(Excerpt from the article, please go to “Süddeutsche Zeitung” for the complete text)



  • About the Near Future of Translation Services, Kerstin Berns

Published: Translation Services in the Digital World – A sneak peek into the (near) future, DG TRAD Conference, October 2017

  • Für Terminologie begeistern, Jenny Seidel

Published: technische Kommunikation, October 2017 (issue 06/17)

  • Terminology Usage in Machine Translation, Christian Eisold

Published: eMpTy Pages, May 2017

  • Terminology in Machine Translation, Christian Eisold

Published: BDÜ-Band Maschinelle Übersetzung, April 2017

Published: BDÜ Band Best Practices – Übersetzen und Dolmetschen, January 2017



  • Mit Mensch und Maschine, Christiane Mieth (Spooren)

Published: technische Kommunikation, October 2016 (issue 06/16), pages 35-41



  • Vernetzt übersetzt, Christiane Mieth (Spooren)

Published: technische Kommunikation, Oktober 2015 (issue 06/15), pages 29-33

  • Mit System übersetzen, Christiane Mieth (Spooren) & Carolin Wrana (Schlösser)

Published: technische Kommunikation, January 2015 (issue 01/15), pages 36-43


2014 and older

Published: MultiLingual, December 2014, pages 34-36

  • Machine translation: Is it worth the trouble?, Kerstin Berns & Laura Ramírez-Polo

Published: MultiLingual, April-May 2008, pages 44-46

  • Vom Translation Memory zum Authoring Memory – Wiederverwendung von Textmodulen, Kerstin Berns

Published: Produkt Global – Internationale Technische Kommunikation, April 2008 (issue 02/08), pages 26-28

  • Der Support muss besser werden – Translation Memories in der Automobilbranche, Kerstin Berns

Published: Product Global – International Technical Communication, July 2008 (issue 03/08), pages 18-20

  • Schwachstellen aufspüren – Sprachqualitätssicherung, Kerstin Berns

Published: Produkt Global – Internationale Technische Kommunikation, September 2007 (issue 04/07), pages 24-25

  • Junkfood oder Sternemenü?– Maschinelles Übersetzen, Kerstin Berns

Published: Produkt Global – Internationale Technische Kommunikation, June 2007 (issue 03/07), pages 24-25

  • Schritt für Schritt – Übersetzungsprozesse optimieren, Kerstin Berns

Published: Produkt Global – Internationale Technische Kommunikation, June 2006 (issue 03/06), pages 26-29


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