
AI Use Case Slam

Participate in the Language Intelligence 2024 AI Use Case Slam! 

The call for speakers for the Language Intelligence summit 2024 in Vienna from November 19-20 is open, and this year we introduce a new format: the AI Use Case Slam. Do you have a cool AI use case in your desk drawer, or have you already tried and tested one around multilingual content creation, translation, interpretation, quality…
Auf den Spuren von Ontologie und Terminologie

On The Trail Of Ontology And Terminology

Did you read the blog my colleague Jenny has written last week with as much excitement as I did?My terminology heart was definitely leaping for joy while reading about the current developments of ontological terminology management!Furthermore, this is exactly the right reason for me to add a few words here.Here's why: Anyone who remembers knows…
Schlaue Terminologie: Ontologisches Terminologie-Management

Smart Terminology: Ontological Terminology Management

Terminology management is one of the cornerstones of an efficient translation workflow. The step-by-step terminology development via regular term extractions and an expert suggestion procedure for new terms guarantee that the terminology is always up-to-date. In addition to the classic terminology management systems, ontological management systems are increasingly becoming the focus of terminology management, which is why we are looking into the topic in more detail not only in this blog.

Mother’s Day and Bilingualism

If you have the chance to teach your child two mother tongues, you should use them and thus lay the foundation stone early on to make your child a global player. Because a foreign language is learned in the blink of an eye from a young age!
Father's Day

Language history for Father’s Day

This week we celebrate our parents without whom we would not be who we are. Each of us has a story with the respective father. Today we have a little story for all the fathers out there - it's about the sound shift. Why the topic fits so wonderfully on yesterday's Father's Day, you can read in today's blog.
More visibility for language topics in your company

More visibility for language topics in your company

Do you sometimes find it difficult to get your language topic heard in your company? Your work as a terminologist, translation project manager etc. is not seen? Would you like to have more visibility into language topics in the company? Don't worry, you're not alone. We will show you how your topic will become more popular for your colleagues.