
More visibility for language topics in your company

More visibility for language topics in your company

Do you sometimes find it difficult to get your language topic heard in your company? Your work as a terminologist, translation project manager etc. is not seen? Would you like to have more visibility into language topics in the company? Don't worry, you're not alone. We will show you how your topic will become more popular for your colleagues.
New Year terminology

New Year terminology

And the new year has finally arrived - the long-awaited new year 2023, in which everything is done better. A new year with 12 chapters and 365 blank pages, ready to become the most beautiful and colorful book of our lives.
Wanted: Santa Claus Corporate Identity

Wanted: Santa Claus Corporate Identity

What does Christmas have to do with Corporate Identity? Who is this Father Christmas? What is the difference to Saint Nicholas? And what part does Coca Cola really play in this story? These are questions that we, as specialists in terminology and corporate identity, urgently need to get to the bottom of.
blc-Advent calendar 2023

blc-Advent calendar 2023

Oh, who doesn't love it, the Christmas season? The contemplative stroll through the Christmas market without sinking into a sea of elbows and bags. The effortless and fixed stop at the grill stand to get a gourmet bratwurst and then rinse it down with a well-tempered mulled wine. The timely, well-organized and stress-free shopping of creative gifts for our loved ones and of course the obligatory, daily opening of the Advent calendar door.