Browsing Author : Rebecca Gasper

Auf den Spuren von Ontologie und Terminologie

On The Trail Of Ontology And Terminology

Did you read the blog my colleague Jenny has written last week with as much excitement as I did?My terminology heart was definitely leaping for joy while reading about the current developments of ontological terminology management!Furthermore, this is exactly the right reason for me to add a few words here.Here's why: Anyone who remembers knows…
Rebecca, what do you do at berns language consulting?

Rebecca, what do you do at berns language consulting?

A very exciting question, which I have actually heard many times from a variety of people and whose answer is not so easy at all. After all, I can't say "I'm a doctor" or "I'm an engineer" or many other job titles where my the person I'm talking to knows directly what to imagine. No. I say "I am a terminologist and language process consultant" and then the fun starts…
The importance of cleansing terminology

The importance of cleansing terminology

Terminology management is a never ending process. But why? The reason is simple: Terminology, corporate language and specific technical terms change over time. Therefore, one must constantly maintain, update and clean terminological data. In our blog series, we address this topic: How to incorporate individual terminology processes into a smooth workflow. In today's blog post, we focus on the importance of terminology cleansing for coordinated, coherent terminology workflows.
Synergies between terminology and ontology – my master’s thesis

Synergies between terminology and ontology – my master’s thesis

Last March I joined blc as a master's student. The goal: to write a master's thesis on the synergies of terminology and ontologies by October. And even though I am no longer a master's student, but now support blc in the area of translation and terminology management on a full-time basis, the topic is still with me. After all, it was my constant companion for 6 to 7 months. So in this blog, I will tell you a little more about the subject and why it is so important. First of all, synergies between terminology and ontology are not only something for the theoreticians among us. No, you can also use these synergies efficiently for yourself in day-to-day work.
Ontologies in the Semantic Web

Ontologies in the Semantic Web

Terms such as “Ontology” and “Semantic Web” are still a new territory for many. However, in today's information society, which is characterized by digitalization and automation, these terms are gaining more and more importance. We would like to show you why ontologies are becoming increasingly significant as the next logical step after the introduction of efficient terminology management and the establishment of a consistent terminology collection. But what are ontologies? What do they look like and how can they be represented? And what is their purpose - especially regarding their use in the Semantic Web?