Browsing Tag : quality

More visibility for language topics in your company

More visibility for language topics in your company

Do you sometimes find it difficult to get your language topic heard in your company? Your work as a terminologist, translation project manager etc. is not seen? Would you like to have more visibility into language topics in the company? Don't worry, you're not alone. We will show you how your topic will become more popular for your colleagues.
Rebecca, what do you do at berns language consulting?

Rebecca, what do you do at berns language consulting?

A very exciting question, which I have actually heard many times from a variety of people and whose answer is not so easy at all. After all, I can't say "I'm a doctor" or "I'm an engineer" or many other job titles where my the person I'm talking to knows directly what to imagine. No. I say "I am a terminologist and language process consultant" and then the fun starts…
Translators as Terminology Managers?

Translators as Terminology Managers?

A sustainable quality management via creation and maintenance of terminology databases plays an important role both in the composition of documents and its Translation.