Browsing Tag : Team

Rebecca, what do you do at berns language consulting?

Rebecca, what do you do at berns language consulting?

A very exciting question, which I have actually heard many times from a variety of people and whose answer is not so easy at all. After all, I can't say "I'm a doctor" or "I'm an engineer" or many other job titles where my the person I'm talking to knows directly what to imagine. No. I say "I am a terminologist and language process consultant" and then the fun starts…
Christiane, what do you do at berns language consulting?

Christiane, what do you do at berns language consulting?

Recently, at a class reunion, I was once again confronted with my favorite question: And what are you doing? The question is not so easy to answer because my tasks are so diverse: From the evaluation of translation systems to language quality assurance to master data maintenance and process support, everything is there. But how can you summarize this easily and easily?
Carolin, what do you do at berns language consulting?

Carolin, what do you do at berns language consulting?

Short question, short answer? Impossible! Because I am one of those lucky people whose work is so diverse and multifaceted that there simply cannot be a short answer. Over the years – I have been part of the blc team since 2011 – I have supported many different projects and supervised many different topics, so to be honest, a summary is not so easy.
Jenny, what do you do at berns language consulting?

Jenny, what do you do at berns language consulting?

Finding a good answer to this question is almost as exciting as my work itself The assumptions range from translator to speech therapist. At this point, I reveal my secret: As a terminologist, I help companies define their corporate terminology in order to save them time and money, to improve the quality of their texts and to improve their visibility.
Was macht eigentlich blc (berns language consulting)?

What does berns language consulting actually do?

A common question in the social context: What do you do professionally? Ah, language process consulting? Do you translate? No, you don't do that? But what exactly are you consulting on? In some situations the language process consultant is inclined to answer the question about her profession right at the beginning of the conversation: Oh, I work in the office.